Thursday, October 1, 2009

z0MG NEWPOST!1!1!11!! • I know


I wonder why it is that whenever I have a bunch of time to do stuff, I seem to be the most unmotivated and uninspired. But as SOON as a bunch of unwanted tasks get thrown in front of me, I seem to want to do EVERYTHING and am really bummed that I can't create and do as I would like to.

I've come to the conclusion that (1) That's just the way it is. (2) That sucks. BUT (3) Instead of sitting here trying to somehow make myself inspired+motivated (I think you need both), when the load of unwanted business abruptly knocks on my window, I'm going to just deal with it as I should, right away and productively so that I can get to those things that I want to do.

Maybe business inspires me. It seems like such a curse..but maybe God put this in me to get me to the point of 100% productiveness. Maybe I'll become a master at this and in the future I'll be like one of those guys that people look at and say, "how the heck do you do so much all the time?!?! You're crazzzy." And then the other guy will be like, "You're a jerk." and I'll be like, "I know."



So yeah. Maybe it's a good thing. Maybe I should find something aside from what I THINK I should be doing with my free/chill time and do that and when the junk comes rollin in I'll be the one getting the high scores :)

Random List of Albums That Amaze Me:
Advantage Lucy - Echo Park
Bombay Bicycle Club - I Had The Blues But I Shook Them Off [at least the first half]
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
CONDOR44 - Goodbye 44th Music

These are the albums that make me say, "Dude, this is IT o m g" and make me want to explode with goodness.

So yeah, anyway.

This post was supposed to be like, one sentence long.


Lauren ajimura said...

Haha, this entertained me while I put off packing for camp. (: btw, I was too lazy to sign in so I just put my name. I felt like commenting, (: I think I'm going to not be so lazy and check out some of those albums (:

Unknown said...

Haha as I was reading this post, the image of you as one of those crazy Indian goddesses balancing 8 plates on 8 sticks with 8 arms popped into my head.

It's strange that business and business mean the same thing.

I took nyquil like 2 hours ago and I'm still up! But anyway, I know what you mean about albums like that. One day we should all dedicate a post to those albums or songs, like: "10 albums that have influenced our life." Something like that.

But you know, I am rooting for this productive Kenny. I am rooting for the inner Indian goddess to be completely manifest within you, juggling all of your plates and praisin'.

:m choochoo

Kevin Foward said...

I think that what happens is we have to get all this stuff done, and we have no choice but to start working, cause its got to get done, so we do it all, finish, are like "Hey! I am done! I got all this free time! To do things i want!" But we are so tired from doing the required things that we dont want to do anything but sit and watch Seinfeld for three hours...haha. But i find there is that nice occasion where i get tired of being tired of doing things, and still dont have anything to really do, and actually do something i want to do. Haha.

Unknown said...

The fact that God lives in your heart is almost as dumb as the dog living in your heart. Or maybe Phil Collins singing that one song from Tarzan. You'll be in my heart. What does that mean?

Unknown said...
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