Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I pray that I may cry for them with my life.

I was going to elaborate and make this post more clear.......but I changed my mind.

[link removed...]

I just received Otsuka Ai's latest album in the mail today. I found it for super cheap on ebay and this one comes with DVD's of all of her new PVs (music videos) too. I was super happy.

I uploaded all the songs and then put in the DVD. I watched this video and something in my heart was struck.


"I cry because..

I watch these people..I watch this person set up such a wonderful scene of peace and joy between people; something you rarely see in the world today. You see a group of people in the midst of some kind of love.

But the sad thing is is that these people may never see love.

And what's worse, they may suffer for all eternity because no one lead them to the love required to live.

For these people to be separated from the love their soul yearns to be apart of for all of eternity..

what a horrible thing.

We must be reminded that these people aren't innocent. No one is innocent. But God still has his forgiveness and mercy..his love available to them.

What a horrid thing that no one would spread this word to them.

What a sad picture..

I must share the love God has given me. Give them the chance to accept Christ and receive the thing they have so longed for. They don't deserve it, but here it is, offered to them.

Lord give me wings to make it to them. To reach all with what you have given.

Help me.


Thursday, April 23, 2009


So, I'm sitting in my ICS class right now. We finished the "projects" we were working on and have extra time. I just decided to write something. Because writing is good. Most of the time.

Life has been interesting lately. Things have been changing. I've been changing. Getting out of high school and just thinking about my life as it is right now has made me really confused. Not the kind of confusion that can be solved with a simple equation and an answer. But something a bit more complex than that. Like, a rolled-up rug with a bunch of unknown items jumbled inside that needs to just be laid out flat so all the objects can be sorted through and figured out.

I have so many questions..questions about life. About MY life. About myself. About others. About myself and others.

Feels like the world is keeping something from me. Like it's hiding essential parts of life from me so that I won't be able to function correctly. So that I'll always have a fault in my steps.

Where am I going?

Though on the other hand, parts of me seem to be doing well. I'm learning a lot. Realizing a lot. Growing in ways that I've longed to for a long time.

But it feels incomplete. Feels like it's missing.

Maybe it's like this..

This morning..no wait. Last night I went to Burger King with Dustin. I got iced tea, thinking that it would be sweetened..like it always is. And yeah, it wasn't.

I wound up not drinking too much of it and took it home with me to save for when I felt like putting sugar in it. So this morning I woke up with a not so pleasant taste in my mouth. (Has anyone read Bee-Season? hahahaha) So I got out the iced tea.

Drinking it made me think. Okay, this is..unsweetened tea. It's strange because..it totally tastes like tea. Like, totally. But there's something missing. something that somehow isn't right. Something's missing. It still has that..'ness' that makes it tea but something's not..right.

Sugar is what it's missing. But what is sugar that makes it so different?

I'm thinking perhaps that's how I am right now. I'm not just a cup of water any more..I've become tea. There's definitely a difference between water and tea; between then and now. And this tea is so wonderful. But after being tea for a while I feel like something is missing. And you'd think that the tea part is what you would be missing but it's totally there. So then what's up?

I wonder.


I need to be a more organized person. Just, in the things I do daily. I want to make sure I make time to do everything I need to do and want to do. I don't want to waste time anymore. I've gotten too skillful in that. I'm thinking of starting to study with people. Like..shoot I don't know.


dang is a weird word.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Girls don't realize what they do when they let that cloth drift downwards.

They don't know the damage they cause when they let it show.

Seriously, cover it up.

I don't need to see that.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

dnitytei? 私は。。誰だろう?

Where is security found.

Where do I put my security?

Did I leave it in the clothes basket?

Maybe under the sink.

What do I put my security in?

Did it get stuck in the mirror?

I might have seen it in the fridge.

Where is security found?

Where do I find my comfort?

Perhaps I should change the way I'm sitting.

Let me call and ask some friends.

Where do I see myself?

where did you go

Where did I see myself?

Where am I?

Let me break away from these things. Break apart from this self that I've made myself out to be.

I need to get myself together. Pick up the scattered pieces. Where from? Where else?

Where else...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Corrected Vision.

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!