Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wedding Day Commitment

So. A man meets a women. They spend time together. They fall in love.

On their wedding day, they're both so excited. The time comes to exchange their vows.

The preacher-man-guy turns to the women and asks all of the stuff, and after, the women says, "I do."

Then the preacher-man-guy turns to the man and asks all of the stuff. He looks at his soon-to-be wife and says, "Yes, I do."

"But let's not be too serious about this marriage thing."

"What?" Is probably what you're thinking. Not be too serious? What, is that guy dumb? That's what marriage is. Serious. A commitment.

We surely wouldn't be that way towards our wife/husband.

Though, sometimes I think it's pretty easy for us to say that to God through our lives.

"I love you and all but I don't wanna take this too seriously."


1 comment:

Lady Katrina said...

Excellent point Kenny! Us "Christians" seriously need to see what an abomination half-@$$ commitment to God is. Then again look at our culture..you can't really say its one of commitment even in marriage.

But gosh! Don't be promoting polygamy! change "women" to "womAn" now! haha