Saturday, March 22, 2008

感情 • k a n j y o u [short ver.]

Slip. Into the ocean.

A deep splash. Looking up at hope. It's just out of my reach. Come here, you. Swim towards the light. What an attempt...what a way to break an attempt. Thrown deeper into the darkness by something unseen and unexpeected. A struggle. Tossing and turning trying to distinguish top from bottom. Swim with all you've got. Which direction? Just swim. Gotta get out. Another blow. Pounded from all directions. Getting thrown further and further away from hope. Come back...

No breath, no life. Where am I? This water is as intense as ever. There's a storm above. Effecting the ocean below, sending me everywhere but where I need to be. I need help. Flipping in every direction, gasping for air, intense pressure on my body, on my lungs, on my mind. Still being blasted over and over again.

It calms down. I'm stationary. Hope is lost..I can't see it anymore. But this..what..light? Light! This light...feels so warm..stay. No. Darkness takes its place once again.

One solid crack and I'm up against the ground. I can't move. Can't feel my legs..cant feel my arms..can't feel my heart....I wish I couldn't feel pain. Demo, mada aru. I lay on the ocean floor. Numb and fatigued as I've ever been. Get me out I give up. All I can do is lay here. I can't see the light anymore. I can't feel what I wish for anymore. Hope left.

I sit.

I die.

I open my eyes. What? The floor is gone. I still can't feel....wait. I'm floating? I'm rising up. The intense blows have weakend. Maybe I'm just still numb. ...Either way I'm floating. To the top..

I'm coming. Waves, calm yourselves. I'm making my way up. Slowly..but surely. I'll be on top.


Rachael said...

and you know how to construct a shorter version. right on!

ChocolateMonkey said...

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my Heart and my portion forever."

Ps 73:22