Monday, March 31, 2008

問題 • m o n d a i

100 percent divided by two.

You get two 100 percents.


Yeah...that doesn't work.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

感情 • k a n j y o u [short ver.]

Slip. Into the ocean.

A deep splash. Looking up at hope. It's just out of my reach. Come here, you. Swim towards the light. What an attempt...what a way to break an attempt. Thrown deeper into the darkness by something unseen and unexpeected. A struggle. Tossing and turning trying to distinguish top from bottom. Swim with all you've got. Which direction? Just swim. Gotta get out. Another blow. Pounded from all directions. Getting thrown further and further away from hope. Come back...

No breath, no life. Where am I? This water is as intense as ever. There's a storm above. Effecting the ocean below, sending me everywhere but where I need to be. I need help. Flipping in every direction, gasping for air, intense pressure on my body, on my lungs, on my mind. Still being blasted over and over again.

It calms down. I'm stationary. Hope is lost..I can't see it anymore. But this..what..light? Light! This light...feels so warm..stay. No. Darkness takes its place once again.

One solid crack and I'm up against the ground. I can't move. Can't feel my legs..cant feel my arms..can't feel my heart....I wish I couldn't feel pain. Demo, mada aru. I lay on the ocean floor. Numb and fatigued as I've ever been. Get me out I give up. All I can do is lay here. I can't see the light anymore. I can't feel what I wish for anymore. Hope left.

I sit.

I die.

I open my eyes. What? The floor is gone. I still can't feel....wait. I'm floating? I'm rising up. The intense blows have weakend. Maybe I'm just still numb. ...Either way I'm floating. To the top..

I'm coming. Waves, calm yourselves. I'm making my way up. Slowly..but surely. I'll be on top.

感情 • k a n j y o u

The ocean.

Looks interesting enough.

Nice blue

Take a look.

One false step. Gasp. A plunge into the deep water.

Where am I?

I look up, see the surface of the water. Just a little accident. I'll be up in no time.

Wait, this is kind of hard. What's going on?

I look up, the surface is a bit further than the last time, it seems, I'm falling in deeper.

Something to be worried about. My body feels fatigued. I'm about 20 feet under. It's getting darker.

K, calm down, things are fine. Let me just make my way up to the top. K, I'm going up. Surface is getting closer. I can see the sun shining from the other side.

Almost there.

Take a look to my left. whatsthat?itscomingfastSWEEP

I got knocked away. I'm spinning around, which way do I swim? I'm running out of breath.

I feel heavier. I'm far down.

d a m e.

k, stop spinning, stop spinning. K. what just happened? I can barely see the top anymore..

..the light is dim. my breath. no, just go. I push my hardest to get back to the top. FWOOSH.

I just got knocked around again. Are you kidding me? Shoot.

Ah! Again. What is this? NO. Swim back to the top. I don't know which way the top is. Just swim. Swim.

ERGH! I'm getting beat up down here. What happened?

I just tripped and fell into the water and now I'm getting attacked by who the heck knows what.

I still see the surface. I can see the light blue color near the top.


Well there goes everything. I've been knocked down too far......somehow I can tell on the surface theres a storm. Strong winds, my boat on top is being knocked around just about as much as I am.

But I'm near the bottom of the ocean now. Maybe. I guess. Breath....what breath? Right now, there's no such thing. It's as dark as dark has ever been.

Swimming in any direction seems pointless now. Hah! Swimming. Who can even think of such a thing right now. I can't swim. I'm stuck. Floating to the bottom of the ocean, if I'm not there already.



no. freak you have to be kidding.

Ah jeez. Hit again. Blow after blow coming from every direction. What is this? I'm screwed already. Help me.

Hope. Dangles on a string? no......Hope. Right now that's something that I want to hold on to but wth. Where's hope when you're being pounded by these intense freaking...well, when your being pounded intensely.

Struggling for air, struggling for life. I can't see you. miemasen desu yo.

I can't see crap. But HOPE. FREAK! HOPE! Where did you go.


Ok. Well I'm still down here. How am I even alive?

The blows..have stopped..for now? Freak, how could there even be more. So I'm just here..wherever here is, hoping I somehow get pulled out.

Oh my wait..what is that? Is that light? I see light. Ohh my gosh that light. It feels so...ah jeez. That's the most comforting thing I've felt in a long time.

Wait no........don't..go.'s dark.

kurai da.

Maybe I'm supposed to have seen something? I must have seen it by please get me out?


Ah! What is this? This. oh man. I don't even know what's going on. I've been smacked so hard and now I know I'm at the bottom of the ocean....I've just been slammed into it.

But freak. I'm just numb right now. I didn't know I could go this far and live. I'm alive. ....why? I should be sitting in my boat, awaiting the arrival to the other side. But I'm sitting at the bottom of the ocean...rather, laying..I can't move.


I've become numb.

So I'll just sit here. I'll just sit. Forever? Freak, I don't know. I'm so numb to everything right now. Can't feel pain..can't be happy? what? I'm in so much pain my body is getting used to it..I don't think this can possibly get worse.


I die.

open my eyes.

I'm floating.

Don't feel the ocean floor.

Gasp. another one, coming straight for me. I brace myself.

..I'm ok. I didn't get knocked like hurt a bit but......hey wait. I'm floating. Upwards.

I'm....moving up..

The storm above is calming. My boat is becoming a bit more is the sea.

I can barely feel anything. Numb again..? Maybe better though.

I still can barely move. But these blows don't kill me like they used to.

The hits are less. I see life again.

I don't know how...but I'm moving up. I'm slowly making my way up.

Ocean, calm yourself. I'm coming. Slowly but surely.

I'll be on top soon.

Just wait.

I'll be on top.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

芸術 • g e i j u t s u

What is art?

I see art everywhere.

Is it a pencil sketch on a piece of paper?

Coated brisles brushing up against a canvas?

An array of paint being sprayed on a wall?

or maybe

the plucking and strumming of multiple strings making what we call music.

sticks tapping surfaces to a beat making different sounds and tones.

or simply a voice projecting itself strongly into the ears of an audience.

I see art everywhere.

Is it the way one's foot slams a piece of wood into the ground and then gracefully flicks the other across the surface making a formation of some sort in mid air?

or is it nature..

is it life flowing through a leaf, through a vine, through an organism.

is it the growth of a seed, forming into a beautiful creature standing tall, reaching in every direction.

is it the sun revealing itself through clouds, across the sky, shining so brightly.

What is art?

The way a person's mind grasps and understands the world around it, receiving information, collecting data and forming all into one idea.

the way an open wound heals itself, knowing exactly what needs to be done, making the body perform as it should.

What is art?

I see Art everywhere.