Thursday, January 31, 2008


period one.

eight forteen.

I sit..

Half waiting for class to start.
Half waiting for class to end.

Soco amaretto Lime's playing again.

I sit.

Freek. I'm tired.

alg 2


thursday. No period two

period three

Yet again. period 3

sit. draw. sit. draw..sit...

listening to music doesn't help block out those freshmen girls that don't seem to ever stop talking.

but I try after day...

Well here I am..sitting..

20 more minutes..

nine forty three...

drawing and painting.



wow. I'm pretty hungry.

gotta walk all the way to the cafe.

dodging kids left and right, even below.

freek, can't you people see?

chicken D:

well..chicken...but no. this is nasty chicken.

A friend's own worries.

so much to think about.

...and it's only ten twenty.


period four

Oh, yes! Mrs. Nunotani!

One of the funnest subs 3V4R!!!

YES! Frankenstein!

We even get to watch a movie! HOLY GEEZE!

......this kind of sucks.

so I sit some more. (I should get paid for sitting. 10 bucks an hour please.)

listening to people whisper.

wonder about things..

worry about things..

I draw to keep myself ammused.

Go lead, go!

ten thirty seven.

...or maybe I'll just sleep.


period five

one o' seven

actually 6th period.


sat some more. learned? eh...maybe not.

um..planned with my partner..

sorry chris S: had to go with someone else.




period six

one fifty one.

last period of the day.

once again, more sitting. (how much is that already?)

chillin with behic in the back.

'expressing' myself on a blank notecard.

shoot..I want 'after school' to last forever.

Well, depending on what that's gonna be..

what I hope for?

hmm..I guess I'll see..

six minutes left.

day's over.


(after school? yeah. wasn't what I hoped for.)

Monday, January 28, 2008

シャボン玉と雨 Soapbubbles and Rain. Sit.


Today was interesting.

Monday..short school day as always.

My body is really sore right now. Me and David went to 24 [hr fitness] saturday night at like technically Sunday morning. Whatever.

We had a prayer meeting after school. Well...."after school" We came back to school from Walmart around 2:30 to find Angela, Elizabeth, Amy, and Kathleen sitting under the tree inbetween O and N building. Guess we're having the meeting outside. I was heecck of tired so I sat..and layed down, half asleep...

Mostly because of my un-awake self..for the rest of the day I was in a really interesting mood. A mood you could almost describe as emo..except not. It was indie mood...calm...chill...ish kind of mood. I was still, of course really tired.

So..I sat. Soco Amaretto Lime kept playing in my head, so I played it loud on my ipod, with my earphones hanging from my shirt. I sat and watched alot of nothing happening. Sat..while Angela talked to Amy and Kathleen continued to laugh every now and then watching The Office on Beth's ipod...and Elizabeth and Amy were going crazy over the bubbles that David bought on semi-accident. I sat. I sat under the tree, watching. Eventually I was left with Angela fiddling her phone and Kathleen still laughing and watching. It began to 'If you guys wanna go inside thats fine' is what I was thinking..I wanted to keep sitting..watching as God filled the empty space in the air with drops of water. I layed back looking up at the sky through the branches and leaves. Watching as the rain drops tapped my face making me squint. I'd never experienced that before..I honestly couldnt help myself from smiling. It was really neat seeing rain from that view. So Here We Are - Bloc Party. Playing on my phone..the only song I've got since I want to wait untill I get the USB cord for it to just transfer songs instead of having to buy songs I've already got.

I love the rain.

w o n ' t y o u s i t w i t h m e ?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

kochira こちら


This is where I am.
This is what I am.


This doesnt seem to be in that spot..


I look here and it doesn't seem to have that..

Why is that?

That's so different. Let's work.

No good..



But wait. Stop for a second..


This is where I am.
This is what I am.

Let's work from there.