Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How will I move forward?

I think there's two things in particular that makes me want to grab my 'self' out of my chest and put it somewhere useful.

In other words, these two things inspire me and I feel I can relate to these things to a crazy extent.

That's language and communication. Understanding people, exploring life? That's one thing that makes me desire to be in Japan.

And then, creativity. Something about a person expressing themselves through some kind of special, unique creative means just feels, right. Like that's what a person is meant to their-self.

And it makes me want to do it. So much.

Let me think a bit..

Do I trust him?

But then I realized
that that's not the reason I believe.

It's in the person
where my faith lies.

The question then comes to

How about it?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Something about these early-morning nights.

There's a lot of things in the world that I don't understand.

There's a lot of things in my life that I don't understand.

But these days continue to roll on forward.

The sun will come up, and there another day will begin.

There's a lot of things that I don't understand.

But I have to keep moving. 

Cus that's what I'm here for.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


One of the few things than can make me cry:

being reminded of the Love of God

Monday, May 3, 2010

Just a thought.

Family is a strange concept to me.

I mean, I have one of those.

But my relationship with "family" is different than the image one would create for the idea.

The way we interact with each other is . . for lack of the motivation to find a better word, different.

And thinking about it..

I see the members of my extended family about once a year, and it's been that way or a very long time.

I wonder how these things effect me....

Just a thought.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What makes a person's day?

What screws up a day?

What makes a person trip and fall to the ground?

What makes it all worth it?

Where does a person's joy come from?

Where is the drive to move on? To take the step after the last one taken.

When does this happiness come?

How long does it last?

Where does this happiness come from?

What makes it all worth it?

< / thoughtblast >

Monday, January 25, 2010

is my prayer • is my Llife


I'm left in a daze. 

if that's the right word.

I'm stunned. Left to sit in my seat, with this feeling ready to rip through my chest.

Such a thing I cannot understand.


I'm unable to understand and don't believe I will ever reach the point of being able to do so. It is quite possible also that I shouldn't desire to understand.


Yes, maybe that is how you would expect me to feel.

But no, I'm actually not angry at God.

Not at all.

I know God loves the people that inhabit the Earth. Why or how? I don't understand. But that He does, this I know.

God's message is the same for all. But all would have it their own way and draw their own world in the way that they see best for them.

This is why the world today is what it is.

But God's message is the same for all.

Some may not take hold of it.

I would wish for His message to get through. Not only His message, but Himself. To get through to these people.

So that these events may be avoided.

So that they would know, experience, and love Life.

That this Life would spill over, spread into the cracks and folds of the earth, into the hearts of every individual..

And that they would grab hold of it..know it..and love it..